Registration Page
We have now confirmed that the date for the 2025 UK Kubb Championship will be Saturday June 28th 2025 at Hursley Park, Hursley, Hampshire.
This year the registration fee will be £20 per team of between 2 and 6 players. You should know that any fees collected will be used to provide a better event, and will never be used for the personal gain of the organisers.
Fill in the simple form below to register for the 2025 tournament. You’ll get a confirmation email, and then another email asking you to confirm your subscription.
About the fees....
Once we know that we have a place for you, we will send you an invoice for the registration fee. Once that invoice is paid, your registration will be complete, your place at the event will be assured and your team name will be added to the list of registered teams.
Refunds Policy
We'd love it if, once you registered, you were able to come to the event. But things happen, and if your circumstances change and you really can't make it, once we‘ve filled your spot we'll refund your fee, minus anything that we are charged for processing the charge.